DendroMap: Visual Exploration of Large-Scale Image Datasets for Machine Learning with Treemaps

By Donald Bertucci, Md Montaser Hamid, Yashwanthi Anand, Anita Ruangrotsakun, Delyar Tabatabai, Melissa Perez, and Minsuk Kahng
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE VIS 2022). Oklahoma City, OK
@inproceedings{bertucci2022dendromap, author = {Donald Bertucci and Md Montaser Hamid and Yashwanthi Anand and Anita Ruangrotsakun and Delyar Tabatabai and Melissa Perez and Minsuk Kahng}, title = {DendroMap: Visual Exploration of Large-Scale Image Datasets for Machine Learning with Treemaps}, booktitle = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE VIS 2022). Oklahoma City, OK}, year = {2022}, url = {}, }