Beyond Value: CHECKLIST for Testing Inferences in Planning-Based Reinforcement Learning

By Kin-Ho Lam, Delyar Tabatabai, Jed Irvine, Donald Bertucci, Anita Ruangrotsakun, Minsuk Kahng, and Alan Fern
32nd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2022).
@inproceedings{lam2022beyond, author = {Kin-Ho Lam and Delyar Tabatabai and Jed Irvine and Donald Bertucci and Anita Ruangrotsakun and Minsuk Kahng and Alan Fern}, title = {Beyond Value: CHECKLIST for Testing Inferences in Planning-Based Reinforcement Learning}, booktitle = {32nd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2022).}, year = {2022}, url = {}, }